Orange Beach King Mackerel Fishing and Hook a Shark on Light Tackle

Chris told us this morning that he wanted to catch a shark. He wanted to feel something big pull on the line. We decided to head out and try to catch some King Mackerel and then if we had time, we would try to catch a nice shark. We pulled some lures and caught some hard tails. We started heading offshore pulling a couple of #3 planers with a cigar minow. We had a hit that was so hard, the rod almost jumped out of its holder. We had hooked something big. Maybe it was an Alabama Yellowfin (jack crevalle) but it was pulling harder than normal. Our light tackle held up for over an hour and we could never gain very much. We could only assume a big monster shark. Its head would shake and try and throw the hook but it couldn’t. Chris and Spencer took turns fighting the big shark until both were exhausted. Chris kept fighting the shark until it finally cut the leader. We kept on fishing for King Mackerel. We caught quite a few kings and released them all. We never got the shark up enough to get a picture, but from the past fights, we knew it was larger than 200 lbs.