Having Backup Systems On Our Charter Boat Is Important

We Have A Backup Radar and GPS System On Our Charter Boat.
Did you know that the best charter fishing boats in Orange Beach have backup systems on board? Just like the airline and transportation industry, back up systems on charter boats are essential to safety of life at sea. Having a backup system costs a lot of money, but they offer peace of mind to family’s and to those who work on the charter boats.
Backup Radar
On the Distraction, we have two radar systems. Both of them are state of the art units. One is a 4D Doppler and the other is a 6 G unit. What that means is, they are very powerful units. While one is tuned to watch immediate threats such as other boats or objects, the other radar is used for watching for storms or traffic that is farther away.
Each one of our radars operate independently of each other. This means, if one goes down, the other is available. This is important to have radar if you are out in low visibility or foggy conditions. Fog usually only occurs during the winter and spring of the year. During the summer and fall, thunderstorms pop up from time to time. Being able to navigate around the rain and storm cells is important. Radars allow us to do that.
With over 700 boats on the water each day during our busy season, keeping you safe is a priority. There are a lot of boat operators who are not professional operators. For that reason, we have to be on the defensive at all times. Our radar system is so smart, it can tell the difference between which boats are about to pose a threat (heading toward us) or are going the other direction.
The radar technology we have on our charter boat has evolved over the years. Because we want to be on the leading edge of safety, we feel that investing in our business and your safety is important. Charter boats who care about your safety, invest in duplicate systems. Each radar costs around $10,000.
Backup Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
It may sound crazy, but on the Distraction, we have four GPS systems. All of our units are top of the line. These backup GPS units have a coastal maps on their display. They receive a satellite signal and show where we are at all times. The one thing GPS does not do is, show us where other boats are. That is why having a radar is so important. Radars show you other traffic.
GPS systems serve another purpose when it comes to fishing. These units are able to keep up with where fishing spots are located. This duplicate system of storing your fishing spots is important. If something were to happen to a Global Positioning System, we are easily able to switch to another unit and continue fishing.
Backup or Dual Engines
The Distraction has 2 big 350 h.p. caterpillar 3126 diesel engines that push us through the water. They are very well maintained. There is a reason most offshore charter boats have two engines. This is because of safety. Diesel engines are the most reliable engines out there. Even though outboards have gotten better, they still do not offer the reliability that a diesel does.
Backup Fuel Tanks
The Distraction has two brand new 200 gallon fuel tanks on board that we had custom built in 2023. This is important. Having a lot of fuel on board is important. The more fuel you have on board, the more comfortable the charter boat rides.
Backup Sonar Fish Finders
For many years, we only had one fish finder to help us locate the fish. Well, in 2022 we had our main sonar go out during the middle of the season. I had to scramble to find one to borrow until I could get mine repaired. Since covid 19, there was a shortage of machines on the market to buy. Not having a backup machine made me uncomfortable. These machines are about $9,000 each.
Since that time, in 2023, I purchased two additional transducers and three back up sonar machines. This way, if one goes out, I have backup.